DSI Underground Group announces roll-out of the refreshed DSI Underground Spirit

05 noviembre 2019

Luxembourg, Luxembourg – DSI Underground is pleased to announce the roll-out of its refreshed DSI Underground Spirit today.
Our DSI Underground Spirit functions as the cornerstone of all global, regional, and national policies groupwide and is designed to set specific standards of conduct for all DSI Underground employees when dealing with environmental, social, and compliance matters.
“Whether it is providing commodities or helping big cities go underground, mining and tunnelling are vital to human progress. DSI Underground contributes to human progress by conducting business with responsibility, integrity, and respect. For all of those, who are affected by our activities”, says Michael Reich, Group CEO of DSI Underground.
The DSI Underground Spirit will be complemented by a refreshed Compliance Program covering all group companies in 22 countries and 1,700 employees worldwide. Our Compliance Program includes comprehensive mechanisms for the prevention and detection of compliance related matters as well as a new whistleblowing mechanism available to all employees, business partners, suppliers, and the general public.
The Compliance Program reinforces DSI Underground’s commitment to a responsible and sustainable business model and to inspire and promote better practices in the industry.
For more information please see our Ethics & Compliance section.
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DSI Underground Chile SpA South America Division

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